Sound Mixer | Boom Operator | Sound Utility

August 2024
The Awoken | narrative feature film | Boom Operator | Youngstown, OH
-Recorded primary audio for horror feature film
-Operated Schoeps CMIT 5, Sanken CS-3e, Sennheiser MKH50
-Worked with stunts/fight choreography and practical pyrotechnic effects
Hamster in my Head | narrative short film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for satirical comedy short film
-Operated Sanken Cs-3e and CMIT 5; assisted Mixer with Lectrosonic lav placement
-Worked with puppets, stunts and fight choreography
In The Weeds | documentary short | Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Recorded interview audio for doc about the creation & cuisine of marijuana "Herbal Notes"
-Mixed with Tascam 60d Mk II, Oktava MK-012-01 for boom and G4/Countryman b3 lavs
-Worked with kitchen and food prep
Christmas on the Ranch | narrative feature film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for holiday romance feature film
-Operated Sennheiser MKH-50 and CMIT 5; assisted Mixer with lavs and placed mics
-Worked with horses, animal wranglers, and car stunts
You Don't Belong Here | narrative feature film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for horror/mystery feature film
-Operated Sanken Cs-3e and CMIT 5; assisted Mixer with Lectrosonic lav placement
-Filmed several 360-degree steadicam "oners" over the course of the shoot
Assassin League Episode 2 | narrative short film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for action/drama short film
-Operated Sanken Cs-3e and assisted Mixer with Lectrosonic lav placement
-Filmed several "oners" with lots of extras
Hair Wraith | narrative short film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for low budget horror short film
-Operated Audio-Technica AT897, and assisted sound mixer, managed inventory
-The film has won several film competition and festival awards
-Assisted A1 with operating and tuning gear for international Zoom livestream
-Established positions for two Schoeps MiniCMIT and placed A20 lavs on presenters
-Operated speakers for presenters to hear questions from an online audience
Who Spent It | narrative short film | Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Mixed and recorded audio for low budget comedy short film
-Used Sound Devices Mix-Pre 3 and operated Sennheiser MKH 416, two G4 lavs
-Worked in two locations that were open for business
MarCH 2023
Molly's GayWakening / Rainbow Day - Teaser Trailer | narrative short film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for low budget comedy short film
-Operated Schoeps CMIT 5 mic and assisted sound mixer with lavs, inventory management
-This short film will be used to pitch for a bigger project
Crumbles: Runway Pitch | promo video | Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Mixed and recorded audio for pitch video for short film "Crumbles"
-Used Tascam DR-60D MkII and operated RØDE NTG 3 and a Lectrosonics lav mic
-Project required swapping lavs between 6 talent
JanUARY 2023
PO | narrative feature film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for low budget drama feature film
-Operated Schoeps CMIT 5 mic and assisted sound mixer with lavs, inventory management
-Worked on Act I of the film so production can raise funding for the rest of the project
NovEMBER 2022
The Big Question | livestream/docuseries | Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Mixed and recorded audio for a livestream/video series interview for Chicago Booth
-Set up Lectrosonics lavs on 4 talent, adjusted levels live
-Audio output sent to a switchboard with 10 cameras
When the Clock Strikes | narrative short film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for on-location horror comedy short film
-Operated Schoeps CMIT 5 and assisted sound mixer with inventory management
-Project was shot with long, choreographed takes on a ultra-wide lens.
Aged Up | narrative short film | Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Mixed and recorded audio for on-location indie comedy short film
-Used Tascom DR-60D Mk II and operated RØDE NTG 3 and RØDE GO lavs
-Mixed and operated boom at the same time
OctOBER 2022
Hank & Willow | TV pilot | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for on-location low budget TV Pilot
-Operated Schoeps CMIT 5, RØDE NTG 3, and assisted with lavs & Sanken Cub placement
-Worked in noisy environments and set up significant sound dampening
Snail | narrative short film | Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Mixed and recorded audio for on-location indie drama short film
-Used Sound Devices Mix-Pre 10 with Schoeps CMIT 5
-Project had no dialogue, recorded natural sounds to assist visual storytelling
AugUST 2022
Third Wheel | narrative feature film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for on-location indie feature
-Operated Schoeps CMIT 5 and assisted Mixer with Lectrosonic lav placement
-Recorded wild tracks of classic car - 1950s Chevrolet Impala
APRIL 2022
BLI | narrative web series | Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Mixed and recorded primary audio for on-location indie web series pilot
-Used Zoom H6 + Sennheiser MKH416
-Mixed and operated boom at the same time
Upside Brown (Season 1) | narrative television | Boom Operator | Elgin, IL
-Recorded primary audio for 9 episode season of television series
-Operated Sennheiser MKH50, G4 lavs on cast, RØDE Wireless Go
-Recorded big cast scenes with RØDE NTG-3, mixed and operated for two days without Sound Mixer
Hyperphantasia | narrative short film | Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for on-location short film with all exterior scenes
-Used Sound Devices Mix-Pre 10 with RØDE NTG-3 and Wireless Go
-Film was submitted to My RØDE Reel 2021
A Gift from God | narrative short film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for on-location sci-fi short film
-Operated Sennheiser MKH416
-Recorded wild track of footsteps for long oner shot because of irregular frame rate
HBTV: A Hello Brother Webseries | webseries | Additional Sound Mixer | Chicago, IL
-Worked as second unit sound mixer to record audio for on-location comedy sketch webseries
-Used Zoom h6 and Sennheiser MKH416
-Mixed and operated boom at the same time
Hate and Guilt | narrative short film | Boom Operator | Chicago, IL
-Recorded primary audio for on-location horror short film
-Operated Sennheiser MKH416
-Worked in snow and winter conditions